Saturday, June 14, 2008

Look at the Mediator, not the Trouble Makers

Lucado asks "Do personal pronouns dominate the language of your circle? My career, my dreams, my stuff. I want things to go my way on my schedule." Unfortunately the answer is yes for me - I am so consumed by my own concerns in my own little world that I often don't even think about other people and their world. It is often not until a tragedy strikes a friend of mine that I look out toward others' needs. I wish that I would look out at others' needs on a regular basis.

Lucado writes of Nabal, who lived in the same area as David. Nabal was very unlikable and was hosting a big party. David wanted his men invited, but Nabal pretended he didn't even know who David was. David is infuriated and gathers 400 men to go attack Nabal. On the way, they encounter Nabal's wife, Abigail.

Abigail intercepted David and his men with gifts of food and wine. She begs David to forgive Nabal. David responds by returning to camp with his men, sparing Nabal and his family.

When Abigail returns home, Nabal is intoxicated. The next day Abigail tells Nabal what happened, causing Nabal to have a heart attack, slip into a coma, and die 10 days later.

David takes advantage of the situation by proposing to Abigail. She accepts and they marry.

Lucado draws some parallels between Abigail and Jesus. Abigail put herself between David and Nabal. She used love and meekness to turn away he anger of David. Jesus puts himself between God and us. Christ intercepted the wrath of heaven on our behalf.

Lucado urges us to stop looking at the Nabals in our world, our enemies against who we have hate and anger. Instead we should look at the Abigail in our world, Christ. "Look more at the Mediator and less at the troublemakers." This is a recurring theme in this book - focus on Christ, not the destructive people and situations in our lives.

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