Monday, April 13, 2009

Where is The Focus?

When a person chooses an Escape response, the focus is on me. The person disengages from the people in his life and focuses on himself, his own wants, his own desires.

When a person chooses an Attack response, the focus is on you. What can be done to hurt the other person. What the other person has done wrong. Her faults, her errors, her weaknesses.

When a person chooses a Peacemaking response the focus is on us. What can be done to heal and strengthen the relationship, with an aim towards preserving the relationship. The Bible commands us to choose Peacemaking responses, out of love for each other.

This post was inspired by the book "Peacemaking for Families" by Ken Sande.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Hi Victoria, I love your book insightful. This one reminds me of a verse I often recall...Psalm 34:14 "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it". This is something that God has to remind me of quite often. It is so freeing to live by this but not easy at all.