Saturday, September 13, 2008

Intercessory Prayer

McHenry writes that she cries frequently while she is prayer walking. She cries for the people she is praying for. She is surprised how much she has become emotionally involved in her praying. She started prayer walking in order to check "pray" off of her To Do List.

I confess that prayer, bible study and quiet time are all on my unwritten To Do List. I feel obligated to do them. I don't always want to, but I feel like God expects it of me. That I will be a better Christian if I do it.

Oswald Chambers wrote that prayer does not equip us for better works but is in fact the greater work. If this statement is true, than it represents a paradigm shift for me. I have always thought of prayer as a tool to comfort me or strengthen me, a method for me to learn more about God and what I should do with my life. A way for me to understand what is happening to me. I have never thought of prayer as an end in itself.

McHenry writes of trying to be a "professional' pray-er. Of studying about the subject and of practicing.

She writes of persistence in praying - of asking God for the same things day after day, which can be boring and frustrating. I am not persistent in praying. I will ask God for something on Monday, then again on Tuesday, and then a third time on Wednesday. By Thursday I will decide to handle an issue my self, having (incorrectly) concluded that God isn't going to act.

I need to remember that Joseph was imprisoned for years before receiving God's deliverance. I need to wait on God.

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